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Texas, United States
Sweet Remission! God is so good!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Baylor Cancer Center Update

Yesterday we had a fantastic meeting at Baylor!! The Oncologist, Dr. Joyce O'Shaughnessy, and her staff are in the process of moving across the street into the new Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center. This will provide an enormous amount of cancer research and resources to the North Texas area!

The highlight of our visit was hearing the results of the PET-CT Scan which shows the cancer is contained only in the left breast area! I could see a huge sigh of relief written all over Leslie's face after hearing the news. I told her that was margarita celebrating type news! The scan also noted that there is a small area that appears to be on the breast bone, but Dr. O'Shaughnessy wasn't in the least bit worried. In fact, she said that may cause some people to try and classify Leslie's cancer as Stage 4 and her response to that was "that is hog-wash!"

As my mom posted earlier, the Oncologist gave Leslie a 80% chance of recovery and later went on to up that number to 90%! All-in-all, this is obviously very good news! Dr. O'Shaughnessy (Baylor) has worked with Dr. Lee (Tyler) before and is comfortable working with her throughout Leslies "Scramble".

Leslie had an Echo done on her heart today so we can monitor her "ejection fraction" throughout chemotherapy. The ejection fraction is basically the strength of her heart. Some of the drugs used to treat her type of cancer have side effects that can effect this output.

Tomorrow Leslie will have chemotherapy teaching and should be starting treatment very soon. Dr. O'Shaughnessy has written a chemotherapy recipe from MD Anderson that she feels will beat the cancer! The thoughts and prayers are obviously working so DON'T STOP!!  :)  We have a loooonnnggg road ahead and need all the thoughts and prayers we can get!

- Spencer -


  1. This is such good news!!! Thanks for keeping the rest of the world posted! Leslie my thoughts are with you everyday!!!You are going to beat this!!

    Seline Ueltschi - Via Facebook

  2. Thanks for being there for us Seline. You're our family too and we know you're making this journey with us. Much love to you, Mark and the Ueltschi Family!! ~Penny~

  3. This is a wonderful site and I will check every day. Love and prayers, Carol Harder
